Sunday, July 11, 2010

Web evaluation tools

Well its time for the ultimate evaluation; the blog rant.  (By the way, I want to apologise for using Lit Emit as a semi-talkback radio style, opinionated, polemic yada yada yada piece - but unfortunately for my readers I find this the perfect way to let off steam.  And p.s. you can use the survey I created to give me your feedback... he he he.)
Here goes....
It is quite useful to have all of these evaluation tools free online; survey monkey, feedburner, google analytics, etc. make it possible to understand the audience's perspectives on the content we upload.
Unfortunately, (here's the usual Lit Emit rhetoric) it is not always so easy to use these tools.  Maybe you're sitting there thinking what on earth is she on about (whoops, now you know my gender), survey monkey is easier than navigating my gmail account, she must be a reeeaaalll space cadet.  Well maybe I am (what's it to you anyway), but I know for a fact, that there are many out there who work in professions who are pushing this technology, that cannot get a hold of all these new fangled ways.  By the way - I'm only 25 - so don't be an ageist.
It would be very useful to have clearer explanations as to what these technologies are for, and what their consequences for web users are.  I was quite excited to create my feedburner account and link it to my blog, but then I got to the final stages and I thought - what is this actually for?
Google alerts are pretty good, if you don't what to repeatedly look for the same topic every day or week.  I would have to say that this technology is very useful if you are following a news story, or property prices, and also another wonderful way for google to capitalise on our interests; creating for indepth personal advertisement profiles.  Yet again I ask: why doesn't any body mention the real reasons for google's ever expanding set of "free" tools?
Well, I'm at the end of my rant.  I guess you're ready to give me your feedback now.  So where's that survey I set up?  Sorry folks, I guess you'll have to rely on the comments page for now.

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