Saturday, December 1, 2012


I'm sick of computers. Actually, not just computers.  I'm sick of 3G internet, iPods, internet explorer and IT specialists who get paid to fix the problem without atcually fixing the problem.
It seems that every time I take on a new task, even if it is just for my own enjoyment, a plethora of technological issues prevents me from doing the task I intended to do, and gives me a whole new set of trouble shooting tasks instead.  As a new Mum, I don't really have time to attend to all of these new issues, or the money to pay some one else to.
So where do I turn to fix the problems that arise?  Google (of course).  And do I find the answers?  Mostly, but unfortunately they're usually not the correct answers. So after awhile I resign myself to the fact that I have two operating systems on my computer.  Or that I can only listen to the first 30 seconds of each song on my iPod before it switches itself off.
To be fair, it is a relief to vent my frustration over the internet.  The irony makes me feel like some sort of sadistic double crosser, reaping pleasure out of exploiting what a technology has to offer in order to badmouth it.
But it's not the technology itself that really frustrates me.  Rather, it is my own expectations of instant gratification that I have allowed to build up along with the evolution of internet and processor speeds over the years.  Now that I don't expect to wait five minutes for each page to load, it really shits me when they do!
Don't get me wrong - I'm not a Luddite and I embrace all of the positive things that computerised technology has to offer.  Really what annoys me is the fact that I have allowed myself to rely on these things while my brain capacity for solving complex problems reclines ever more comfortably in the back seat.
The positive result from this realisation: enjoy the simple things in life!  Forget about the material/commercial world and feel your breath as it moves into and out of your body.  Remember that the body is more complex than any machine and it keeps itself running if you treat it well.  So really, who cares if my computer is running?  As long as I am still running, then all is sweet.

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