Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Screen casting

What a useful tool!  The online applications that allow the user to upload their powerpoint presentations make the archival of information a breeze.  Instructional clips, lecture notes and advertisements all have a cosy home in Slideshare & Author stream.
Even more impressive is Screenr which allows the user to record their movements on their pc for the purpose of creating an instructional video.  It even records the user's voice (ah if only I had a microphone), making this technology indispensible for education and information providers (and also those who like to muck around.)  The video is then uploaded to Twitter which is also incredibly useful for spreading the word to niche audiences.  What a happy marriage - online informational bliss!

We all wonder, of course, how long this free access will last.  And if the free aspect is currently of the monetary kind, where is Twitter making their money on such ventures?  Do they own the rights to every thing tweeted?  It's hard to imagine that they aren't gaining anything of value from the information we upload each day.

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